
"Team Ladybug" Won!!

With the help of our wonderful family and friends our team won 1st place for the Relay Team who raised the most money. We ended with $10,532.00 in total amount raised. As the first place winners our team won ipod shuffles. We will be using these as door prizes and auction items for the fundraiser we will have again in November. Our team also won a nice Bell Center duffel bag filled with goodies for being one of the first 30 teams to raise their goal.

When we began this journey our goal was to raise at least $5000 for The Bell Center. I am still so humbled and speechless by the love and generosity everyone showed. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful group of people surrounding and supporting our family, our Edie and so many other special babies attending The Bell Center.

Thursday night The Bell Center held a party at an downtown art gallery for all of the PIT members who ran in the Mercedes Marathon and raised money for TBC. There were several speakers, one of which was one of the running coaches. He said something that was so special to me and I wanted to share with all of you who helped us in this "Marathon of Love".

"These babies of TBC are all Angles sent from Heaven above. A gift from God. But like all Angles they must have wings to fly. And that is what you are. You are their wings. Lifting them up and helping them to fly"

So thank you. From the bottom of our hearts for helping our babies to fly. We love you!

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